From the perspective of tourism development , through the analysis of advantages of qingshen , in terms of favorable geographical location , graceful landscape environment and profound cultural foundation , this paper proposed to develop qingshen as a landscape garden city , and put forward the development strategy centering on the characteristics of " mountain , water , city and culture " 从旅游发展的角度,通过对青神县城优越的地理区位、优美的山水城市空间环境、独特深厚的文化底蕴等优势条件的分析,提出其县城景观风格定位为“山水园林城市”的设想,并围绕突出“山、水、城、文化”等城市特色景观构成要素提出开发策略。
According to the principles of " positive and steady , scientific programming and rational layout " , the cpc municipal committee and municipal government have programmed the city from a high starting point , constructed the city according to a high standard , administered the city at a high level , managed the city with a high efficiency , made the city green with a high quality made a total investment of nearly 2billion yuan , completed a large group of infrastructures and greening and beautifying projects in succession , made the size of constructed downtown area increased from less than 6square kilometers to 132squme kilometers , completed greenbelts with an area of 316hectares , made green percentage of coverage up t032 % , per capita public greenbelt area up to 10 . 72 square meters , initially formed a garden - style ecologieal city with " trees shadowing the street , soft green grass carpeting the ground , greening all the year round , blossoming out in 3seasons " , gained honors and titles of " state - level excellent city in urban environment comprehensive renovation " , " provincial - level landscape garden city " , " award of residential environment of henan " 市委、市政府按照"积极稳妥、科学规划、合理布局"的原则,高起点规划城市,高标准建设城市,高水平管理城市,高效益经营城市,高品位绿化城市,共计投资近20亿元,相继完成了一大批基础设施和绿化美化工程,建成区面积由原来的不足6平方千米,扩大到132平方千米,市区拥有绿地316 :公顷,绿化覆盖率达32 % ,人均公共绿地面积10 . 72平方米,一个"绿树成荫、芳草遍地、翠点四时、花开三季"的园林化生态城市已具雏形,荣获"全国城市环境综合整治优秀城市" 、 "省级园林城市" 、 "河南人居环境奖"等荣誉称号。